Saturday, March 27, 2010

feel the noise

I don't know how much I've told you about my neighborhood but it is, for the most part, chill. I live by a large, walled cemetery (photos to come, you know it!) in the middle of a netherworld consisting of solely auto-body shops and their suppliers. All of the businesses shut down from about 2-4 pm. It was a very welcome change from when I first lived downtown and life was always littered with street musicians, drunks, and traffic.

That said, it can be noisy in a different way. Next door, they have been constructing...something...forever. Huge trucks will pull in carrying nothing but sections of metal pipes. They will throw each bundle of pipes down to unload the truck, making a terrific racket in the wee hours of the morning. Then, once the pipes are unloaded, they'll move each bunch individually to another pile. Because there are so many repair shops, I constantly hear incredibly noisy two-stroke motorcycles tearing down the street as the mechanics test them out. And there is one dude in a caramel-colored shirt who seems to be attempting to build the loudest motorcycle ever. I alternately love and hate him.

There is also random noise like this. I woke up one morning and it sounded like someone was right outside my window, hurling a metal beam repeatedly against the curb. That's the way you think when it's early and you feel like the world is just trying to torture you. Usually I try to ignore things, but I had to see what was going on.


Yep--there was a man right outside my window, hurling a metal beam repeatedly against the curb.

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